I never excelled in maths, and it wasn't because I had ineffective teachers - it's because I have no aptitude with numbers. Failure in learning isn't a failed attempt at teaching, maybe there are more important things to learn in a particular situation than what's mandated in a syllabus. Perhaps it's more important for a particular person to learn that places of education can offer positive experiences and a sense of belonging before trying to master their times tables. Especially if the person doesn't belong or experience positivity in many places.
Also, you can't expect to change a person, you can only use your own actions as models of behaviour that are common to all humanity, and act with consistency and transparency and hope that students recognise your approach in their own selves. By this I mean that a flautist can't just give their fingers to a student, the student has her own and she has to realise them as mediators of music.