Thursday, July 26, 2012

Solidarity in multiplicity

There's nothing more frightening than the question "who are you?"
It becomes a precious baby nursed at the nipples of ego.
It's hard to answer, it demands stability, it implies uncertainty.

I've been thinking about the self existing as relationships. Instead of being Emma (or EmB or Embi or Em~B or Em Bee) the person, I am the contact between sight and the things seen, I am the contact between words that come from this mouth and words that come from another mouth. If we all existed in this state imagine how expansive and pervasive your self would be. In fact, what would divide us? What would stop us from all being one self? We would fish the oceans as we wash our bodies, we would cultivate the Earth as we brush our hair: with sensitivity, with measure.

Relationships can be tenuous or strong, meaningful or flavourless, harmful or joyful. Your relationships are manifold. In this worldview, articulation becomes the skill through which you become more yourself. Relationships are the resting place of your soul. What else do you have in your life?

The moral may be to give more fully. If you close your mouth and eyes towards the things and people that surround you, you exist in a silent darkness. If indeed you are your relationships, the more fully you give, the more human you are.

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