Friday, November 7, 2014

Humanity is a big jerk who is beating up the Earth

If humanity was one person, from an inter-stellar perspective they would look like an innocent child who grew into an adult jerk.

The things that we all subscribe to and act out seem to be, how to put this gently... unintelligent. As a species we seem to work primarily with our basal ganglia: the parts of our brains that are concerned with dominance, control, aggression and territory.

It deeply concerns me that humans mine into the crust of the earth to extract minerals for the purpose of creating plastic bottles that will be used once and then put back into the Earth as a piece of garbage that will poison everything they contact as their toxins are released for up to 450 years.
It deeply concerns me that humans have developed complex law systems and regulate when and how people cross roads but do not adhere to the law of nature which states that ALL THINGS ARE IMPERMANENT and disrespect this fundamental and self-evident law of reality by "possessing" things (land, houses, animals, beds, key chains, televisions, letter boxes, paper, food, fences, ideas...)
Any thing that exists I will guarantee you will be consumed physically and legally by the human desire to own.

For all of our talk about how rational science has ushered in a quantum leap for human consciousness, we have made very haltering progress on the frontier of human rights and have moved in retrograde concerning Earth's rights. If we can't treat our own species with respect and kindness we can't develop our respect for non-speaking beings such as forests, oceans and animals. If technology is not eco-centric, it's because people are not eco-centric. People are not eco-centric because they are egocentric. If people continue to think primarily about themselves and not about the environment, we will not have a hospitable planet to live on. Earth is finite.

The truly disappointing thing is that humans have examples of generosity and interconnection surrounding them in their natural environment yet few of us follow such a way of life. We are largely unconscious of it, but we already are interconnected. Sunlight doesn't just touch you, it penetrates you. We breathe in tandem with the plant kingdom. Whatever you consume orally drives you nutritionally. You are constantly shedding cells into the atmosphere. Ironically, you don't own things, you are everything. 

When animals eat each other, it might appear violent, but actually they are just sharing. Sharing around the nutrients. When humans kill each other, that is actual violence. We simply destroy. And contrary to that, we also compulsively make. Yet because energy is not created or destroyed, what we make always takes its toll. The consequence of feeding the unstoppable demand for more stuff is that we deplete Earth's resources and enslave each other. That sounds extreme, but it's not. It's simply true. We don't talk in such ways because it causes guilt.

Instead of being guilty, just recycle as much as you can, just foster an attitude of respect in yourself for other beings and learn how you can act in accordance with your values. Just share your concern, like I am.

Bird recycling a worm. 

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