Monday, August 5, 2013


There's so much STUFF out there that it's become an essential part of living to make choices about the possession of stuff. In particular there is an obsession with using stuff to externalise your beliefs/values.

The symbolic value of stuff is supposed to say something about us, it's supposed to make a statement on our behalf... yet often this consumerist culture undermines it's own values. I fail to comprehend how an embroidered anarchy symbol could symbolise the act of undermining authority when it has come to a person by way of such highly regulated and ordered modes of transaction as international shipping and the simple, lawful rules of economic exchange. Diogenes was a little more true to anarchy, living in a pot and telling Alex the Great to sod off and get out of his sunshine, but eventually the significance of his life meant his final wishes for his body to be chucked in a ditch were overturned and he was given a funeral of pompous proportions.

What a nice example that irrespective of the weight of an individuals beliefs, they may weigh little more than a flea to someone else. That's why aggression over ideologies is so absurd. The argument "If you don't think what I think is important, I'm going to clout you at military magnitude" is about as comprehensible as this sentence: shoiu ajwerk fadijso kakalimohouni.

Being highly sensitive to visual datum I notice aggressive visual information with clarity. Aggressive means ready to confront. Abnormality and sexuality are confronting. People make themselves appear abnormal or sexually overbearing in order to express a belief, and it is my conjecture that this belief is still in it's pubescent form i.e. still being formed. I think often it's the manifestation of experimentation with a belief in being worthwhile. Surely something that's worthwhile catches ones attention?
Another way to view this: cheap things are advertised with much noise and movement in attempt to affirm their value, very expensive things are advertised subtly because their value is inherent; they are made from quality materials.

However when applying the analogy to humans it is not a discussion about quality, rather it's a question of perspective. I am in no way saying that some humans are made from inferior materials - I am saying that people experience the ability to see the material they are made from in varying degrees, and accordingly peoples abilities to externalise their beliefs are varied. Often peoples opinions, values or beliefs feel like jelly and look like smoke and it's not acceptable to do the jelly walk and float around, so some other image more readily recognisable is worn. Aside from all this, it is essential to know that worth is not inherent, that it's created, that humans are creative, and that ones sense of worthiness is just like lego - you can build it up yourself. And if you want to understand what your opinions, values and beliefs are make three lists: "opinions", "values", "beliefs" for each of these domains "love", "spaces", "work" (at least that way you cover your relationships, your home and your livelihood).

I reckon it is an essential process of divulging the chaff from the wheat, the process of attaching to clothing and hairstyles and attitudes... often at the tail end of adolescence they peel away, because we notice how uncomfortable that attachment is.
Although of course there are some people who are very comfortable with themselves and who possess an appreciation for visual culture, and who use abnormality or sexuality as a tool to spread awareness of non-hegemonic ideas. Think drag.

What if you aren't convinced that your opinions, values and beliefs are you? Afterall, they change. You weren't born with them and yet you were born a conscious being, so perhaps, below those highly subjective, ephemeral - and remember, essentially meaningless (don't forget Diogenes final wish!) behaviours and attitudes that you picked up somewhere along the way there is you: a piece of consciousness.

In that case - what's the most expedient method of expressing your self? How do you "look" like consciousness? What does that look like? Maybe it just looks like you, paying attention. Yet it seems more authentic to act consciously, than to just look conscious. I mean. Come on. My brother sleeps with his eyes open.

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