Friday, August 9, 2013

God is design

God is the ball and socket joint in the knuckle of the middle finger of an aye aye: a freakishly flexible spindly finger used to procure juicy grubs tucked under the hard bark of Madagascan trees.

God is a double helix, or the surface area of a palm tree. God is a chemistry kit, a magical trick, in which 20 amino acids can brew the eyeball of a bull and your pubic hair and the smell of wet dog.
Such long recipes take millennia to write. God the witch whose cauldron is always boiling.

the enlivening stench of God.


  1. Why aren't you an athiest?

  2. Well I'm not a theist, seeing as I find all things sacred.
    Maybe my use of "God" has too many biblical associations.
