Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Remembering exactly what you are

There are times when the task you have to complete seems too big for you to grapple, and you feel like you're being asked to carve the next David out of granite, underwater, with a toothpick. 

And maybe you feel really lonely as well, like you don't have a mentor through this ordeal and you're too caught up in trying to make the thing work that there isn't any time for you to stop and ask a friend for help. 

Well I don't have any nuggets of advice, except to say that sometimes I come up against these situations, and in hindsight it seems that a lot of the stress and fear is welded in the foundry of your own heart. 
I'm sorry... you're not an industrial work site, you are a human and your faults are human, remind yourself and remind anyone who expects something too far fetched from you. And love yourself.

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