Friday, March 9, 2012

Further notes on balls of hair

Thankfully nobody has choked. It was a close call for a while there, but turns out the recipient is of a sane nature and capable of understanding my experience. I could relay it but it's very difficult to pinpoint the exact nature of this love, except for its universality. It shall have to suffice to say that in a wakeful moment the underlying ubiquitous love that is in everything made itself seen in another human. I hope not to sound romantic because there is no romance in the fact. It's a truth I'd like to see more often and in all things.

Last night I learnt more about different kinds of speech as defined by advaita vedanta philosophy (four kinds: arising from the navel, heart, larynx or tongue), and my tutor said to us that speech arising from the heart holds qualities of truth, is free from impediment and occurs when the speaker is talking about something they truly love, and this kind of speech carries with it freedom. Well, this was exactly my experience. 

I had not explained this encounter with "true love" to anyone because it seemed sacred and I would have liked to leave it undisturbed. But it seemed to ferment, and I could feel delusive notions of romance binding the experience into some sort of insubstantial fictitious fantasy which was a bastardisation of the real thing. This whole reaction took quite an unconscious form for the most part, only being fully acknowledged upon my explanation of it to the person who evoked it. It was probably ignored because I did not want it to happen. And once I had described the event, even without a response my heart was liberated from my scheming mind and I felt at peace.

Who knows if that made sense. It did to me.

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